
“BSL – it’s just like mime?”

Tuesday 5th November 2024
Penny Gunn

Hearing people when they see Deaf people like me signing for the first time will often comment on how animated BSL looks - some describe it like a mime performance. Both mime and BSL use visual movements, gestures and facial expressions. However, they serve different purposes and follow different rules. Mime is about telling a story, I would suggest, in exaggerated physical movements, BSL, however, is a complete and structured language (mainly used by Deaf people in the UK). And as one person commented to me the other day, if you were designing a language you would come up with BSL because it is so visual. Here are two techniques which show how beautiful - and simple - the…

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BSL In Schools - Signs Of The Times?

Friday 25th October 2024
Penny Gunn

Like many, I was upset that the planned BSL GCSE in Wales has been postponed. Sarah Lawrence - a BSL campaigner - said: "I do not know why this decision has been made or who was involved, but those involved should hang their heads in shame. "I am not sure I can put into words how disappointed and angry I am." It is a massive setback but as Sarah demonstrates, the Deaf community is not about to give up. We will continue fighting. The more people who know and use BSL, the more that Deaf people will feel fully included in Society. The good news, for now, is that the BSL GCSE in England in 2025 is still set to go ahead. I…

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British Sign Language & Makaton: What’s The Difference?

Wednesday 16th October 2024
Penny Gunn

It might be true that the first time you came across someone signing was seeing Justin from BBC Cbeebies using Makaton. And you may have been wondering if Makaton and British Sign Language are the same. If so, you are not alone in thinking that. Structure and Language Basis British Sign Language (BSL) is a complete, natural language with its own grammar structure which is different to English. In Makaton you would say and sign: "What is your name?". In BSL, you would sign: "Name, what?" In BSL, we use hand shapes, facial expressions, movements and body language to convey meaning. Some have said to me, it's a bit like watching an actor. For instance, if you are showing a car overtaking another car, you physically…

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Deaf/Blind Awareness Tips

Thursday 3rd October 2024
Penny Gunn

As I was walking down the staircase with a Deaf/Blind friend of mine at the Tunsgate Quarter shopping centre in Guildford last year, I was stopped by Marie from Radio Jackie. We were there for the BSL Fest that year - one of its aims is to celebrate British Sign Language (BSL) with the public. Marie asked me the best ways to communicate with a Deaf/Blind person. Here are some of the things my friend and myself shared with her. 1. Understand the Diversity of Deaf-Blindness Deaf-blindness is a spectrum. People may have varying degrees of vision and indeed hearing loss so it's important to ask how best to communicate or assist. I, for instance have Usher syndrome but do have some…

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Tuesday 20th September 2022

Penny Gunn and SFT are delighted to have been shortlisted in Signature's Hall of Fame. The ceremony is 18 November. We feel very honoured to be included in such a prestigious group of nominees. Thank you everyone for your support, SFT wouldn't be SFT without our students, teachers and staff !

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Wednesday 4th August 2021

Thank you to all our students and teachers for supporting us over the last year, what a challenging time it has been. We have been so impressed with the resilience of the staff and their students to rise to the challenge in taking training and assessments online and using all the resources available to them to make learning from home possible. We have carried on most courses online as an option, throughout all lockdowns. As a result we now run online only courses to meet demand and are loving the new approach to delivering our courses; as well as carrying on with in person training in the Farnborough area. Penny remains Director but has stepped down mostly from teaching BSL…

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Friday 31st May 2019

We are so proud of all of you, our amazing students. Our next cohort of Trainee Interpreters are just about to qualify, so more hearing people and BSL users can communicate without barriers. WOW Our DeafBlind students are qualifying in their dozens with fantastically high pass rates. AMAZING This is down to your hard work and commitment to learning We are proud to play a part in your journey. Keep up the good work .

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GDPR comes into affect

Tuesday 19th June 2018

New GDPR law. GDPR came into affect in May 2018. To adhere to this Sign for Thoughts must delete student's data 3 months after the end of their course. We can email you about future training / course which may be of interest to you but you must give your consent for Sign for Thoughts to hold your data. Alternatively, to receives automatic updates/news on any of our Courses, Workshops or Training, then please join the general mailing list (on average once a quarter for the general lis, or select individual courses to get bespoke emails) please Subscribe You can unsubscribe or change your preferences at any time.

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Celebrating excellence!

Thursday 22nd March 2018

Signature Awards HELLO! Do any of you know a very special person who has dedicated their entire career to lessen the issues facing deaf people?? Or maybe a Centre that genuinely cares about the achievements of their teachers and students?? 😉 Don't forget to put your nominations in ...

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PRIDE in British Sign Language

Tuesday 6th March 2018

To coincide with the anniversary of BSL Recognition Day (18 March) the British Deaf Association (BDA) holds a nationwide Sign Language Week, celebrating our beautiful and unique language, British Sign Language (BSL). Sign Language Week is designed to raise awareness of the United Kingdom's Deaf community and provide a platform for Deaf people to proudly promote their language and culture. Click below for more info and join in the fun!: PRIDE

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