Level 4 Certificate in British Sign Language


Our next Level 4 Certificate in British Sign Language will be starting in January 2025, we are taking bookings now!

This course is at our centre in Aldershot, taking place on Thursday evenings 7pm till 9pm.

Sign for Thoughts is a local centre and our courses are competitively priced. We offer quality teaching, a friendly service, and our consistently high assessment results are testimony to our success. Many of previous Level 4 students have enjoyed BSL so much, that they have moved on to Level 6 and beyond!
We care about our students and we will support you every step of the way throughout your BSL journey. Our tutors and assessors are extremely talented in their field and have many years of experience behind them. Our 16 years delivering high quality teaching has given us a good reputation with students and the Deaf community alike.

Penny is available for a 1-1 FaceTime chat and would love to answer any questions you may have regarding the course. Please Contact Us to arrange this.

Enrol Now!

We offer payment via instalments for all of our courses

Qualification Structure

Qualification Objectives

The qualification is divided into three units as follows:

  • Assessment 1: Formal presentation
  • Assessment 2: Informal conversation
  • Assessment 3: Receptive skills

The best way to use and learn British Sign Language (BSL) is through conversation and discussion with one or more users of the language where straightforward and informal social interaction is the norm and our Level 4 course focuses on just that. We will provide you with a high standard qualification with the right amount of teaching and practice to build your skills. This is because we focus significantly on deeper language acquisition, and the culture and best practice use of BSL, with minimal paperwork and a very HANDS-ON approach.

We also invite Deaf speakers from time to time, to enhance our students experience and knowledge through a range of different and interesting topics and discussions. It is the ideal way for you to gain this qualification.

Understand and present information, ideas and opinions:

  • Extract specific details and grasp overall meanings from a range of short passages in BSL
  • Take part in discussions relating to varied accounts, reports and instructions delivered in BSL
  • Understand the main points and relevant details of news items, interviews, documentaries and social conversation delivered in BSL
  • Develop interactive communication skills with Deaf people who have different cultural experiences and perspectives to your own and understand/appreciate why these differences exist

Successful completion of this qualification can be used as evidence of the language skills needed in order to be able to operate independently and at an advanced level in the target language. It is useful for those who work on a regular basis with Deaf people (e.g. social workers, teachers of the Deaf, communicators, voluntary workers, workers within Deaf organisations, schools, etc.), those who aspire to work in these contexts, and those who wish to expand their knowledge and skills in British Sign Language.

The topics covered in Level 4 are:

  • Employment and Business
  • Education
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Society and Politics
  • Science and Technology
  • Media and Culture

Costs and Dates

Why choose us?

Dates and Times

Face to Face class

BSL Level 4 on Thursdays - in Aldershot from 7pm - 9pm from January 2025

Course dates

Course fees are £1440 inclusive of VAT
Plus assessment fees of £194
Total £1634

Course fees, assessment fees are all subject to change

If your course starts within the next 14 days then 50% course fees are due on receipt of invoice.

The remaining balance can be paid in full or by instalments.

Optional and highly recommended for learners
A SignWorld News Package - £21
SignWorld Level 4 including News/Factual information - £60.99
The Linguistics of British Sign Language by Rachael Sutton Spence - from £33.37

Penny offers free advice and support with a 30 minute remote meeting with any enquirer wishing to see how SfT can help in their learning journey or for general advice and guidance and to assess their BSL.

Please note we will carry out a short and informal assessment of signing skill for any external students not currently known to SFT. Student should have a minimum of 1 years involved in the Deaf Community in some capacity.

Gaining your BSL level 4 qualifications with Sign for Thoughts has many advantages. A step up will boost your confidence before you climb up to Level 6 where you need to be a proficient signer.

  • Analysis work on BSL principles
  • Conversations including debates/ discussions, role-play in Deaf issues
  • Convenient transport links to Aldershot GU12 4

Here at Sign for Thoughts we maintain low class numbers so you can expect a lot of individual attention and concentrated learning. We a number of effective tools to help you to polish your skills to the desired level, and to show your progress throughout the course. We want you to enjoy and have fun with us in a free-stress zone.

Venue for the class is Aldershot .

Sign for Thoughts uses an online sharing platform to share classwork and homework, and this gives you the ability to ask your teacher questions in-between classes. We also create WhatsApp groups for students to communicate, and have an exclusive Facebook group for SFT students and teachers to share resources and share knowledge between other learners. These are both optional to join and allow the students to enrich their learning experience.